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Other Turlough Sites

Typing "Vislor Turlough" gets thousands of results, so here's a guide to the most relevant sites for Trion appreciation!

Gallifrey Base bills itself as "The internet's most popular (and busiest) Doctor Who forum and it doesn't disappoint. It's here you will most easily get a discussion going on why Turlough looked totally different from Malkon and if he should have stayed on for "The Twin Dilemma". Turlough fans can be found in the "Turlough's Classmates" thread.

Tumblr - Very much active and worth visiting if only to find out how to fold your own Turlough - we should so all have a cardboard one!

Vislor Turlough Data

Background information pulled together from TV episodes and Big Finish audios. 

The Temple of Turlough

This is a livejournal site that doesn't seem to be still active but might be a source for artwork or stories. As the tagline says, "Everyone loves creepy ginger schoolboys!

Red Scharlach's Icons - Cartoons of all your favourite Doctor Who characters, including my favourite as shown!

A Teaspoon And An Open Mind - the central Doctor Who fanfiction site, with stories written by fans for fans. Some of the stories come under the heading of "guilty pleasures" but Turlough is always described as drop dead gorgeous and I've reached the conclusion that Mark Strickson has better things to worry about.

Doctor Who News

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